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New yoga program for Cincinnati's JGMMA + Crossfit Gym

This week, thanks to a good friend and trainer at JGMMA, I was able to sit down with Jorge Gurgel and the folks at his JGMMA + Crossfit Gym and discuss bringing in a yoga program to their school to help balance out the intense muscle training their members go through. I'm very excited to announce that beginning Friday, April 11, we will start a month-long preview of the yoga program, with ME at the helm leading classes!

Every Friday evening at 7:00pm, we'll hold an hour-long yoga session focusing on stretching out those muscles and opening up tight joints. Much of the class will be restorative and part of the class will fall under Yin yoga.

During the preview month, each class will be $5 for gym members and $10 for non-members (that's right, you can come to the yoga class even if you don't train at JGMMA). The gym is located at 10379 Julian Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45215.

I can't wait to see where this program heads and I'm so excited to be able to bring some balance in to JGMMA with some restorative yoga postures to add agility to their members' training. If you'd like to read more about JGMMA, please visit their website. For a little insight into Jorge Gurgel's positive outlook, check out this great interview on MMA Junkie.

"I want my life to be my example... Do something special. Do something different... Fighting is a very small part of my life. Passing [on] my knowledge and my experience, that's my true calling."

-Jorge Gurgel, MMA Junkie

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